
世界杯足球賽及冬季奧運會的主辦單位,為了使賽事更環保的共同目標,日前在聯合國環境規劃署總部──肯亞奈洛比,召開「體育與環境全球論壇」(Global Forum for Sport and Environment,G-ForSE) ,這是每兩年一次為期2天的會議,200多位與會者重新檢視2010年世足賽以及2010新加坡青年奧運對環境的衝擊,並討論未來符合永續原則的賽事舉辦方法。 




UNEP說,索契冬奧的籌委會「已經致力於減低及彌補賽事對環境的衝擊,其中4項工作重點是:保護自然、調和氣候危機(climate neutrality)、廢棄物管理和環境訊息交流(environmental communications)。」

索契奧運籌委會遵循2008年UNEP提出的專家評估建議,便將用於雪橇(bobsleigh)、斜坡滑車(luge)、骨架賽車(skeleton events)比賽的滑雪中心以及山莊遷移到低環境敏感地區。




此次奈洛比會議,G - ForSE代表們說出今年已經做的許多綠色體育賽事。包括,UNEP和印度超級聯賽(Indian Premier League)締約、汽車運動聯會的替換能源任務、UNPE-彪馬的「為生命而賽」活動(UNEP-Puma® Play for Life Campaign)、2010年國際生物多樣性年。此一全球倡議已經提高了運動迷對生物多樣性保育的認識。

G - ForSE會議結束時,有3個非洲的保護計畫產生,即「為生命而賽」活動的一部分,可共用一筆80萬美元的獎金,進行保護大象、猩猩和獅子的工作。

在世足賽期間,「為生命而賽」活動發起網路投票,由足球迷票選最喜愛的保育計劃,3項在奈及利亞(Nigeria)、尚比亞(Zambia)、象牙海岸(Ivory Coast)及賴比瑞亞(Liberia)的保育計劃獲勝。 

勝選這3組包括:拯救人猿計劃(UNEPs Great Apes Survival Project),工作內容是要拯救非洲和東南亞瀕臨滅絕的大猩猩、黑猩猩、矮黑猩猩和紅毛猩猩。GRASP (Great Apes Survival Partnership)將會利用這筆捐款聘雇和訓練森林保育員,並且協助發展赤道非洲森林聚落的替代生計。



該獎項基金是透過銷售非洲隊統一服飾(Unity Kits)複製品募集。這些服飾是為2010南非世界杯足球賽設計,並由國際運動明星如喀麥隆隊長埃托奧(Samuel Etoo)和象牙海岸隊長埃布埃(Emmanuel Eboue)穿著。

G - ForSE與會者還討論了較小型的體育組織能夠採取的保護環境措施, 例如,國際動力船管理機構,國際動力艇聯合會(the Union Internationale Motonautique,UIM)正致力於減少污染和溫室氣體排放。

UIM潔淨燃料工作隊正在推動取代石化燃料的環境友善替代物,如生物乙醇,使得競賽中能夠減少二氧化碳排放量及汙染水域。Green Goals Motivate Organizers of Global Sports Events NAIROBI, Kenya, November 9, 2010 (ENS)

Shooting for a common goal, organizers of major sporting events, from the FIFA World Cup to the Winter Olympic Games, met this week in Nairobi to green up their games.

During their biennial two-day conference at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme, some 200 participants at the Global Forum for Sport and Environment, G-ForSE, reviewed the impact of environmental projects from the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and discussed sustainability measures for future sports events.

At G-ForSE, organizers shared expertise and experiences that can benefit the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

With a 16-year history in integrating environment and sport, UNEP advises host countries and organizing committees on how to integrate environmental considerations into the staging of major sports events. UNEP carries out environmental impact assessments both before the games start and after the final whistle.

The environment of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, includes diverse habitats such as the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains and Alpine meadows.

UNEP said today that organizers of the Sochi Games are already working on ways to minimize and to offset the events impact on the local environment by focusing on four key areas: protection of nature, climate neutrality, waste management and environmental communications.

Following the recommendations of an expert assessment released by UNEP in 2008, the Sochi Olympics organizing committee relocated the proposed sliding center for bobsleigh, luge and skeleton events and mountain village away from its initial location to a less environmentally-sensitive site.

But environmentalists in the Caucasus region say many once pristine ecosystems around Sochi are being destroyed to accomodate the 2014 Winter Olympics.

For instance, the state corporation Olimpstroy, responsible for construction of Sochi venues, declared November 2 that it carried out relocation of rare wildlife from construction sites in Sochis Imeretinskaya lowland as part of its program of minimizing environmental impact of the Sochi Games.

The relocation was announced in late October during UNEPs monitoring mission to Sochi. Environmentalists called it a PR stunt conducted without a promised public discussion and without project documentation.

Russian environmentalists and the European Green Party warn that unique ecosystems along the River Mzymta have been been almost completely eradicated as a result of preparations for the Olympics. They point out that despite numerous complaints, Olimpstroy allowed the new Dzhubga-Sochi gas pipeline to leak drilling fluid into Sochi National Park during construction in July.

On the other hand, the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee says it is taking, A new conscientious approach to the treatment of nature in Sochi, the preservation and augmentation of biodiversity in the region of the Games.

During the building of Olympic venues, the LEED green standards and eco-friendly materials are being applied; for a zero-waste games, waste is being collected, processed and reused; energy-efficient equipment is being purchased; and satellite observation systems are set up for constant ecological monitoring, the Sochi organizers say.

In Nairobi today, G-ForSE delegates said a lot has been done to green up sport events this year.

They pointed to UNEPs engagement with the Indian Premier League, the work of the alternative energy commissions of the motor sports federations, and the UNEP-Puma® Play for Life Campaign on football and the International Year of Biodiversity 2010. This global initiative has been about raising awareness of biodiversity conservation among sports fans.

At the close of the G-ForSE meeting, three African-based conservation projects that work with elephants, gorillas and lions were awarded a shared prize of US800,000 as part of the Play for Life campaign.

The three projects - in Nigeria, Zambia, Ivory Coast and Liberia - were the winners of a Play for Life online poll held during the World Cup, where football fans were asked to select their favorite conservation project.

The winning trio includes UNEPs Great Apes Survival Project, which works to save gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo and orangutan populations from extinction in Africa and South East Asia. GRASP will use the donation to employ and train forest guards and help develop alternative livelihoods for forest communities in equatorial Africa.

The African Lion: King without a Kingdom project will channel the prize money into a survey of Zambias lion population and the development of a national management plan for lion conservation.

The Support for the Elephants project will use the award to help create biodiversity corridors supporting endangered elephants in the forests of Ivory Coast and Liberia.

The award funds were raised through the sales of replica Unity Kits, the worlds first continental football kit. These outfits were designed for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and worn by international stars such as Cameroons captain Samuel Etoo and Emmanuel Eboue of Ivory Coast.

G-ForSE participants also discussed new environmental measures being taken by smaller sports organizations. For instance, the international governing body for power boating, the Union Internationale Motonautique, UIM, is reducing polluting emissions and greenhouse gases.

A UIM clean fuel task force is promoting the use of environmentally-friendly alternatives to fossil fuels such as bio-ethanol, which produces fewer carbon dioxide emissions and results in less water pollution during races.


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